
Housing Data Tools

US Census Master Page for Monroe County:
Monroe County, Pennsylvania – Census Bureau Search

Look for “All, Tables, Maps, Pages” right under the search box. 

I like using the tables views, and I find the American Community Summary tables most useful overall 

I personally found table CP04 under the American Community Study to be most useful for housing

So you can type: Monroe County, Pennsylvania cp04 into the Census Search box on this page

Fair Market Rents (HUD)

In the public tables, Monroe is covered by the East Stroudsburg rates.  https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr/fmrs/FY2023_code/2023summary.odn?&year=2023&fmrtype=Final&selection_type=county&fips=4208999999

Publicly, there is also a more detailed zip-codes table that is to be used for ERAP tests, but it may not be applicable for rental Voucher prices.  The Housing Authority likely has another detailed zip-code table too.

Remember these are the 40th percentile rent rates – not average, nor 40% of the median. And if you look at how they are calculated, you can see how they are based on relatively old data that they apply several “adjustment” values to.

April 13, 2023 – Fair Market Calculation Roundtable Discussion (online)

HUD Event Signup

Static reports:

2022 Monroe County Needs Assessment (County Fiscal Office)

St Lukes Community Needs Assessments Find Monroe Campus – updated in 2022

Lehigh Valley Health Network Needs Assessment Find Monroe Campus – Updated in 2022

Wayne County Affordable Housing  Report  
(Monroe has a report from 2018 but it is not online.  A new report is being developed for release in June 2023)