Volunteer Background Check Requirements
All PVEN volunteers must complete and submit the results of both a Criminal and Child Abuse background checks.
We require these checks to protect other volunteers as well as PVEN’s clients. Existence of past convictions may not prevent you from volunteering, but PVEN’s leadership must be aware of this history and approve all volunteers.
For both the Criminal and Child Abuse checks you will receive a confirmation letter from the state or federal governemt. A copy of each of these letters must be added to your file before you can begin volunteering.
Criminal Background Check:
If you have lived in PA for 10 or more years, use the epatch system at http://epatch.state.pa.us
Choose New Record Check and use PVEN (570) 992-3136 for the agency name fields. This check is free, almost immediate, and does not require fingerprints.
– OR –
If you have not lived in PA for at least 10 years, you must use the FBI background check at https://www.edo.cjis.gov/#/ and scroll to the section labeled “How to submit a request” and enter your email address on the right hand side. You will get an email with instructions on how to submit the application. Note the FBI check does have a fee and requires going to a recommended fingerprinting location.
PA Child Abuse Background Check
Go to:
https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home and use the “Create an Individual account” button to create a login. You can then return and log in to your new account to enter the information needed to submit the background check.